Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Tutorial-Recycled Crayons

Towards the end of summer, I always end up with a bucket full of broken, unsharpened crayons that usually end up in the trash can. Stores have a great way of sending the message that with the beginning of each school year, you need to buy your kids new everything: clothes, backpacks, lunchboxes, and school supplies. Every year I fall for their marketing schemes. I run off to the store to purchase new crayons for my kiddos and end up spending way more money than I should. "Not this year!", I say. Which brings me to my Tuesday Tutorial.

How To Recycle Used Crayons

1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees 

2. Remove all of the paper wrapping from the crayons

3. Place broken crayons into a muffin tin

4. Bake crayons for 10 minutes or until thoroughly melted, yet not boiling (watch carefully)

5. Remove the muffin tin from oven and let sit at room temperature

6. When crayons have hardened, peel back the muffin tin and let the new crayon shapes fall out 

* Please keep in mind that I used a plastic ice cube tray (which is why it looks warped after coming out of the oven). This means you will only get one use out of it, however it is much easier to pop out the crayons after they have hardened.


  1. This is just terrific!! Kids love shapes like this to color with...sooo creative!! :D I am your newest follower of your delightful blog and I hope you stop by Frou Frou Decor..I love new friends! I would also love to invite you to link up to my Fabulous Friday Finds party, every Friday! Hope to see you there!!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  2. i love that. such a cute and creative way to save crayons. and i bet kids like them even better in shapes!

  3. Great recycling idea - they would make a nice gift for party loot bags. Thank you for stopping by NurtureStore and for your comment. I wondered if you might like to link up with our Play Academy linky on Fridays? :)

  4. great idea! thanks for posting this. will be trying this out soon!

  5. Thanks you guys! It was really simple and CHEAP! Those are always the best crafts! I can't wait to see more of your ideas! You inspire me so much!
    @ Cathy - I will definitely check that out!
