Friday, August 20, 2010


Hey you guys! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that I had forgotten to include the button that enables you to link your pictures for the "First Day of School Photo Contest"! Here is the link for that contest if you want to post your pictures! I am extending the contest until Wednesday at 11:59 pm since I made such a huge mistake! Thanks for understanding you guys! I will announce the winner Thursday morning! Can't wait to see your pics!


  1. HI,

    Just popping over from Bird Crafts! Thanks for the sweet words.

    My little girls start school in SEptember and I'm terrified for her! :)

    Great competition too!

  2. Hello via Red Ted Art!

    Lovely to connect and link up ;-)

    I am not on Google followers (will sort that once I have a new blog sorted). But am on twitter and blog frog? @redtedart. We could connect there?

    Your blog looks great! Fab for just 2 months!!!


  3. HI, thanks for stopping at my blog, I'm following back now
    i wish I could find a photo from a first day at school

  4. Hi Heather! So nice to 'meet' you! Oh, I remember those days. My boys are all grown now and I have a grandson who's 3. I can wait a few more years for him to start school, tho.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Look forward to sharing with you.

  5. Thanks for your nice comments! You have a cute blog and I am a follower!

  6. Hi Heather! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! I love meeting new friends and I'm happy to follow you in return! FUN! I hope to hear from you again soon...Thanks again and have a lovely day!
    ~Clarissa @ A Little Stone House

  7. Hi Heather, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a message and becoming a follower. Glad to have you. Hope you will come back often and visit. Your blog looks like it is fun and interesting. I will definately come back. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  8. Thank you to you all for your sweet comments! I have loved visiting your blogs! You give me such inspiration!
